Wednesday, August 12, 2015

FDA Forces Kim Kardashian to Take Down Instagram Selfie Endorsing Morning Sickness Pill

Kim Kardashian was forced to take down a selfie she posted on Instagram endorsing a morning sickness pill after the Food and Drug Administration deemed her post misleading.
“OMG. Have you heard about this? As you guys know my #morningsickness has been pretty bad,” the 34-year-old pregnant reality star captioned the since-deleted Instagram photo promoting the drug DICLEGIS from July.
In June, Kanye West’s wife tweeted her
morning sickness was so bad that she could “barely get out of bed.”
Despite looking gorgeous in the selfie and claiming the drug, made by Duchesnay USA, helped ease her pregnancy symptoms, the FDA wasn’t impressed with the Selfish author’s post. 
“The Office of Prescription Drug Promotion…has reviewed the Kim Kardashian Social Media Post,”the letter, dated Aug. 7 to Duchesnay executive vice president Eric Gervais, begins. "The social media post is false or misleading in that it presents efficacy claims for DICLEGIS, but fails to communicate any risk information."
The letter also points out that Kardashian failed to mention notes on the drug’s label that describes its approved uses and includes important limitations on the use of the drug. Therefore, her “violations are concerning from a public health perspective because they suggest the DICLEGIS is safer than has been demonstrated.” 
Kardashian learned about the drug from her own personal OB-GYN, CNBC reports. 
“Duchesnay USA takes its regulatory responsibilities very seriously, and acknowledges that its communications, including in social media as in this particular instance, need to be in accordance with applicable rules and regulations," the company told CNBC following the release of the FDA’s letter.
The FDA’s notice also requested that Duchesnay offer corrections to the claims “using the same media,” meaning if you missed Kardashian’s first promotional post, you may be seeing another soon.

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